Owner Builder vs Registered Builder

If you’re planning to purchase a new shed you may be considering building it yourself. If you have the experience and knowledge required, becoming an owner builder is a great way to save money. However, there is a lot to understand before taking on an owner builder project, and a registered builder might be a better option. Here is some information about the difference between an owner builder and a registered builder.
residential sheds

What is an Owner Builder?

You may have heard the term “owner builder” before, but are unsure exactly what this means. Owner builder is a technical term used to describe a person who takes legal, formal and regulatory responsibility for building works to their home. Generally, it means taking on the majority of the work yourself, using your own skills or by managing a range of tradespeople to complete the work for you.
Some benefits of being an owner builder:

  • Saving money – this is one of the main advantages of being an owner builder. You can save thousands by getting an owner builder permit. Savings may not just come from labour costs, as you will also be in charge of selecting all material and fittings, you are able to shop around and find the best prices.
  • Control – A rewarding aspect of being an owner builder is control over the project. Complete control over the project allows flexibility for changes, deadlines and the ability to finish your project exactly how you imagined.

What is a Registered Builder?

A registered builder is a licensed and experienced builder who will oversee your project and guarantee a professional job. A registered builder follows rigorous building standards and ensures the work is done safely. Although it will cost more, a registered building will save time, energy and provide peace of mind, particularly if this is the first you have taken on this type of project.

Can a Homeowner Build Their Own House?

If you choose to be an owner builder you must be aware of the regulations and standards that apply, as well as the applicable building insurances for both during construction, and once completed.  This is where it can become complicated if you’re not an expert. Ideally owner builders should have some experience. While ultimately you are responsible for all decisions, it may pay to have an expert advisor to help such as a builder or project manager.

Why Owner-Build?

For some people, such as tradespersons and builders, this may be an obvious choice. However, for others it may come down to saving money. As an owner builder you have much more control over the finances and you will save on the cost of a registered builder who would normally coordinate the work for you. Building is an extremely complicated process with technical knowledge required and many regulations to understand. Although a registered builder will cost more, these benefits might far outweigh the difficulties of being an owner builder, especially if you do not have much experience in this area. Shed builders Perth can ensure a professional job, and save you a lot of time and stress.


Owner - Spinifex Sheds

I've got a passion for helping people build the right shed. Whether that's custom made for your hoist, fitting the shed into a tight site or just a shed that's going to last many years, I love to help.

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