Looking To Build A Garage? Here's What You Need To Know
Building a garage shed at your home can be quite a useful addition in a number of different ways. First and foremost, a garage provides a safe and secure place to park your vehicles when they’re not in use or being worked on. You may also be wanting to build one in order to use it as a workshop for tinkering on your pride and joy. Or perhaps you’re simply wanting a little bit of extra storage space at your home. The obvious advantages of having a garage see many people launching into building one without really considering some of the important aspects of the shed itself.

The process of building a shed is not as easy as it may seem, as there’s a lot more to it than simply throwing together a few walls and a pitched roof. Although we understand that you want to add some value and increase the aesthetic appeal of your home as soon as possible, you need to first consider the primary use of the garage shed for your needs. The shed specialists at Spinifex Sheds in Perth have put together this comprehensive guide of the important things to consider before you build a garage.
What Is The Garage Being Used For?
Although most people simply want a space to safely keep their vehicles, the purpose behind installing a garage shed does in fact vary from person to person. You firstly need to consider how you will be utilising the space, as those with a small vehicle will have something different in mind than those with two large cars who want space for a workbench as well.
Having this purpose in mind when designing the floorplan for your garage will ensure you are going to be constructing a suitably sized space for your needs. If you are looking for extra storage space in the new garage, it may be useful to think about extra space for some shelving or storage units.
Access To The House
Many garages are joined to the main house through a connecting door, allowing for easier access between the spaces. If this is something you are wanting for your new garage, you need to consider the layout of your home and if this could realistically be achieved in an appropriate area.
You may not want there to be access to your house, and instead, have this as a stand-alone unit in a different part of your property. This is typically more common for those who have larger garages, or workshop sheds where they spend a lot of time working on vehicles. Having them separated from the house allows you to undertake work without the worry of the noise or vibrations being in such close proximity to the home.
The lighting within your garage is also another very important component to consider. This again will be mostly informed by the primary use of the shed. For example, you might need more than a couple of light bulbs if you plan to use the space as a workshop, or if the space doesn’t get any natural light through windows or skylights.
You may want to consider LED batten lights for the ceiling in your garage, as these will be able to properly illuminate the space and ensure there’s adequate lighting to be able to work effectively in the space. This may also involve getting in an electrician to help wire up your garage in a safe and professional fashion.
Garage Accessories
There are a number of different ways that you could elevate your new garage shed, with a wide array of garage accessories being available for you to choose from. One aspect to consider is whether or not you want to install windows in the garage that you’re constructing. If you are looking for the safest option, windows may not be the most desirable choice.
You may want to consider roller doors so that you can easily open and close the doors to your garage at all times. This is also very useful for easy ventilation when you are working in your garage. You can also think about the types of colours that you’d like for your garage, giving you the freedom to be creative or match with the current aesthetic of your home.
DIY or Hire a Professional?
The choice to either pursue a DIY approach or hire a professional to construct your garage shed is another thing you need to consider. The work involved in constructing the shed is not something that can easily be done by a single person without the proper tools or experience for the job.
The team at Spinifex Sheds always recommends that you leave this job to the professionals, who can help you complete the job in a more efficient manner. This way you’ll be using your new garage in no time, instead of constantly delaying the process and constructing the garage over a number of weeks.
Spinifex – Garage & Sheds Perth
The shed specialists at Spinifex Sheds have years of experience in both designing and constructing garage sheds in Perth. We also offer custom garage shed solutions so that your garage will be exactly the way you envisioned it. If you are looking to construct a shed in your home, get in contact with our team today so that we can help to identify the best shed for your needs.
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